Pisgah of
West Chester
The Pisgah Improvement Association began over 60 years ago to improve quality of life and help businesses thrive. It began in our home, the Seven Chimneys, in 1953-54. It gave birth to the West Chester Chanber and later expanded to include Liberty Township. Pisgah is the first modern business district in the township. Our tax base was the seed that became the WC Township we know today. Pisgah has always taken an active role in promoting and protecting our property owners. In the early 2000s, we became the West Chester 42 Citizens and now simply the Pisgah of West Chester Association. For more history view Margaret Pearl Irwin Bryan's Letter
Meet our officers:
Jill Dunlap: Principal Contact/ Leader
John Melzer: Recreation and Connections
Martin Carrier: Safety
Amanda Dunlap: Media
West Chester Route 42 Area Connections/ Utilities Presentation
A Plan for West Chester WC Trustee Work Session Minutes
Pisgah of West Chester Facebook Page
Sharon Woods Connection Facebook Page
Experiance Pisgah Vision Plan Document PASSED BY UNANIMOUS VOTE OF MEMBERS ON MARCH 27, 2009
A Plan for Pisgah WC and WC42C Joint Document
Spread Eagle Tavern-Seven Chimneys
Business of Getting Things Done
Fascade Improvement Programs: Avoiding the Bull Dozier
Ties Between West Chester and Pisgah Slowly on the Mend
Storage Unit Turned into Food Pantry
House with a Past on the Register
West Chester Town Hall Web Link
Teen Journalist Doesn't Settle for Trustees' Stance
Castle Coalition Citizens Fighting Eminant Domain Abuse